
Good to see you here! You probably found this page because of a message we sent you on social media or elsewhere. Through this message we want you to know you we are there for you if you need  help or just want to share your thoughts.

Who are we?

Our experienced counselors Anna and Juliette are the ones that send and respond to messages. If you have any questions or problems, they’d love to have a chat and find out whether they can help you out. 

For who?

We are there for everyone who experienced a difficult criminal or sexual experience. Even if you are currently still in that situation and you are not able to get out by yourself. Maybe you are doing things you really don’t want to, but you do them anyway because you are threatened or forced. Or maybe there is another reason, although, deep down, you know you don’t want to. What is happening to you could be perceived as criminal or sexual exploitation if you recognize your situation in one or more of the statements below:

  • ‘I am forced to have sex, even though I don’t want to’
  • ‘I practice sex work, but I have to hand off a large part of the money I make’
  • ‘I have to deliver suspicious packages’
  • ‘My bank account is used by someone else’
  • ‘Someone is pressuring me to sell drugs, but it makes me uncomfortable’

Is this not something you recognize for yourself, but are you worried about someone else in your environment? We can help you, help them.

Want to talk about your situation?

Are you in immediate danger and is the situation escalating? In case of emergency, always call 112.

If you would like to talk to us or want to know how we can help you, you can contact us by using WhatsApp on 097-010241237 or you can email us at onlineoutreach@fier.nl. You are welcome at any time, now or in the future.

You can also contact us by using Chat met Fier, which is our anonymous chat helpline. Our professional counselors are available every evening and night to talk to you and – if you want – to help you. 

You can always contact Fier by calling 088 – 20 80 000 or chat on chatmetfier.nl.

Other options

Our counseling team works online, but we also work with other counselors nationwide. If you prefer face-to-face contact, we’ll help to find counselling in your area and get you in touch with them.